
Welcome to Patti MacK's Super Aruba Site!!
This site contains a thorough listing of most of the more popular resorts
(I couldn't include them all because it would make my site too large to put online). You will find info, hints, and opinions
for each resort as well as 20 - 40 photos on each.
The bulk of the resort factual info came from various travel agency websites, and the hints, comments, and opinions are items picked up from the Aruba Bulletin Board - the ultimate site for all your Aruba questions. Thanks to everyone who contributed photos and information to this site - please visit my thanks and acknowledgements page and let me know if I've mistakenly omitted your name. A special thanks to Ted (Theo) Vander Post from the Manchebo Beach Resort for all his help and to Diane Keizjer for her wonderful photos.
This site is still under major construction, with more photos and information waiting to go on. As well, I am still in the process of uploading photos and pages, so please be patient with me regarding any missing photos or broken links. Please check back frequently for updates.
Please keep in mind that the one constant in the universe is that "All things change." I will try to keep the info as current as possible, but you are advised to use the info as a guideline only. You will find e-mail and website addresses, as well as phone and fax #s included on this site - please use them to contact the particular resort/restaurant/business in person to confirm times, prices, and details. These pages have been put together with care and much dedication. Nevertheless, the webmaster, site owner, and Internet provider assume no responsibility for any damages or claims resulting in use of information contained in this site. If, in spite of every precaution, any copyrights have been infringed in this site or any borrowed photo uncredited, your notification with respect to photo credit or removal will be greatly appreciated.
Want to contribute your photos, send me your comments, or add your link? E-mail 
Got a question that this site didn't answer? Like to read some Aruba trip reports? Try the Aruba Bulletin Board for help.
Why Pick Aruba? |
General Info |
Resorts |
Restaurants |
Things to Do |
What to Pack |
Aerial Photos |
Happy Hours |
Trip Report |
Thanks |
Links |
Site Map |
Home |
This site went online 1999.
Photos by Patti MacK copyrighted 1999 and may not be used without permission.